
Type Definitions


Name Type Description
playhead The Playhead. The caller retains ownership.
mediaSourceEngine The MediaSourceEngine. The caller retains ownership.
netEngine The NetworkingEngine instance to use. The caller retains ownership.
onChooseStreams function(!shakaExtern.Period): !Object.<shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType, shakaExtern.Stream> Called when the given Period needs to be buffered. The StreamingEngine will switch to the Streams returned from this function. The caller cannot call switch() directly until the StreamingEngine calls onCanSwitch()
onCanSwitch function() Called when any Stream within the current Period may be switched to.
onError function(!shaka.util.Error) Called when an error occurs. If the error is recoverable (see
onEvent function(!Event) Called when an event occurs that should be sent to the app.
onManifestUpdate function() Called when an embedded 'emsg' box should trigger a manifest update.
onSegmentAppended function() Called after a segment is successfully appended to a MediaSource.
onInitialStreamsSetup function() | undefined Optional callback which is called when the initial set of Streams have been setup. Intended to be used by tests.
onStartupComplete function() | undefined Optional callback which is called when startup has completed. Intended to be used by tests.